The Frog Prince or Iron Henry

It happened one day that the princess's golden ball fell into the hand that she tended not high, but fell to the ground and rolled right into the water. The princess looked after him, but the ball disappeared, and the well was deep, deep in the eye. Then she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted. And while it was crying, someone shouted: "What's wrong, Princess? Thy tears would melt a heart of stone. "She looked around to see where the voice came, and saw a frog stretching his thick ugly head from the water. "Ah, you, old frog," she said, "I weep because my golden ball has fallen into the well." - "Never mind, do not cry," said the frog, "I think, but that What will you give me if I fetch up your ball? "-" What you want, dear frog, "said the princess," my clothes, my pearls and jewels, or even my gold crown. "answered the frog "Your dress, pearls and jewels and your crown of gold I do not want them, but if you want me well, if I can be your friend and playmate, sit with you to your table, and eat from your golden plate, drink from your cup, sleep in your bed, if you promise me this, I plunge and I'll bring the golden ball. "-" Ah yes, "said the princess," I promise all I want, if you bring me the ball. "But he thought: What is this babbling fool frog is croaking in the water with his fellows, and can not be the companion of a human being!
her promise, the frog put his head under the water, dived and shortly thereafter returned to the surface remigio in his mouth and threw the ball on the grass. The princess was overjoyed to see her nice toy, took it and ran away. "Wait, wait," cried the frog, "take me with you, I can not run like you do." But that availed croaking with the top of her throat! The princess did not listen, he ran home and soon forgot all about the poor beast, who had to dive back into its source.
The next day, when she was seated at the table with the king and his court, and eating from her golden plate - plitsch Platsch, plitsch Platsch - something went bounding the marble staircase, and when he was knocking at the door and cried, "Daughter of the King, little one, let me in!" The princess ran to see who was outside, but when he opened it he saw in front of the frog. Then she shut the door hastily and sat down again at the table, full of fear. The King noticed that her heart was beating, and said, "What are you afraid, my child? Outside the door there a giant who wants to kidnap you? "-" Oh no, "she said," is not a giant but a disgusting frog. "-" What does he want from you? "-" Ah, my father Yesterday, while playing in the woods near the source, my golden ball fell into the water. And because I was crying so much, the frog has fished out of me. And why at all costs wanted him, promised him that he would become my partner, but I never thought it would come out of that water. Now it's out and wants to come to me. "Meanwhile, we heard knocking the second time and crying:
" Daughter of the King, little,
let me in!
You do not know what you said yesterday
close to the fresh source?
princess, little girl,
let me in! "
Then the king said:" That which you promised, you keep it, go 'then, and open. "She went and opened the door, the frog hopped in, following a she hopped up to his chair. Then he stopped and cried: "Lift me up to you." The princess hesitated, but the king ordered her to do so. Just was on the chair, the frog wanted to get on board when it was on the table and said, "Now avvicinami your golden plate, because we eat together." The princess obeyed, but it was obvious that he did so reluctantly. The frog feasted heartily, but she remained in her throat almost every bite. Finally he said: "I ate his fill and I'm tired. Now take me in your room, and make ready your silken bed, go to sleep. " The princess began to cry, she was afraid of the cold frog, that he dared not touch, and he must sleep in his nice clean bed. But the king was angry and said, "You must not despise those who helped you in times of need." Then she picked up the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs and put him in a corner. But when he was in bed, he came creeping up and said: "I'm tired and want sleep as much as you take me up, or I will tell your father." Then she became angry, grabbed him and threw him with all his strength against the wall: "Now you be quiet, you horrid frog!"
But as he fell, he was no longer a frog was a prince with beautiful kind eyes. At the behest of his father, he was her dear companion and husband. He told her that he had been bewitched by an evil witch and no one but her, could free him. The next day they would go to his kingdom. Then asleep. The next morning, when the sun awoke them, came a carriage with eight white horses, white plumes on their heads, and golden harness, and behind was the young king's servant, faithful Henry. Henry was so unhappy when his master was turned into a frog, who had been obliged to wear three iron bands around the heart, because he does not burst with anguish. The coach started to take the king in his kingdom, and faithful Henry had helped them both, went back and was full of joy for deliverance.
When they had gone a stretch of road, the prince heard a crash behind him as if something had broken. Then he turned and cried
"Henry, the coach goes to pieces!"
"No, sir, is not the coach,
Tis the circle of my heart,
lessen its ache, When I grieved for
you were turned into a frog. "
Twice more he heard a crash during the trip and each time the prince thought that the car went to pieces, and instead were just circles, leaping away from the heart of faithful Henry because it was now free and happy.
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