possessed a magic mirror, and every day asking, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and every day the mirror replied: "O my queen, to the world that it is no more beautiful than you." Meanwhile, Snow White grew and became more and more beautiful. Envy the Queen rose in tandem with the beauty of the girl, so that forced her to dress in rags and to the maid. Princess faced any hardship without complaint. On the contrary, always happy and smiling: Just a desire she used to trust, singing to her friends doves soon meet the man of her dreams. One day, while he was at the well, the white doves confided a secret: "That," said cooing "is a well enchanted. Looking out to make a wish and if it will hear the echo of the desire to become a reality." Snow White so she whispered: "I would love to find someone to love me." And as soon as the echo answered, the well water there appeared a handsome prince on a black horse. The prince watched with great admiration that Snow White made her blush and run away shyly in her room. The queen, a distance had witnessed the whole scene. Now she turned pale with envy, and ran to turn to her magic mirror: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and the mirror replied: "You, my queen you're always beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you!" The queen could not tolerate a rival, and so he summoned his faithful and a keeper said, "bringing the princess in the forest and kill her. I then bring his heart as a sign of the crime." The keeper took Snow White into the forest at the right time but did not dare to kill her. The told him to flee into the forest on the way back and killed a deer to bring the heart to the queen. White race at breakneck speed in the forest, until he came to a clearing, where there was a tiny, pretty little house: he entered and saw that someone was living there, and thought that seven children were living without a mother.
For there were seven small chairs, dusty, dirty seven little plates, seven shirts and dirty dust and cobwebs everywhere. White did not stay thinking about it: he took her broom and mop and cleaned up everything at a good pace. Then he went upstairs and found seven little beds made of wood. On each bed was engraved with a name: Dotto, Gongolo, Aeolus, Puppy, Grumpy, Bashful and Sleepy. "What strange names!" Snow White thought. Then, as he was very tired, slept on cots.
The inhabitants of the house were seven dwarfs who worked in the nearby diamond mine. Coming back they found Snow White and decided to host it, please be extremely cautious because of the wicked queen. For Snow White began a period of calm, with new friends and in contact with nature. But a bad day, the wicked queen in the mirror again asked who was the fairest of them all. And the magic mirror replied: "Beyond the seven mountains, beyond the seven valleys is the house of the seven dwarfs, Snow White in which he lives is even more beautiful than you." The queen decided to kill Snow White took an apple, an apple dipped in a wonderful and magical poison. Then he became a beggar, and went the house of the dwarfs. Snow White was preparing a cake out of pity and offered her a slice. In return, disguised as a witch gave her the apple and Snow White gave a bite.
he fell asleep on the floor, looked dead! The witch ran away happy: the only antidote was the first kiss, he believed that the dwarves would see her dead buried. But the dwarfs, Snow White desperately did not want to part with and put it in a crystal coffin in the forest, to watch over and over again. It was a long time. One day a prince on a black horse heard the villagers talking about that beautiful girl lying asleep in the woods. His heart gave a jolt. Was it the beautiful girl he had seen one day to the palace and it was no longer able to find? Now he rode to the clearing in the woods.
When he saw he had no doubts: it was this girl who had bewitched his heart, and he was dead! Sadly, the prince lifted the lid of glass and bent down to give a kiss to his lost love ... White immediately opened his eyes and smiled that first kiss had broken the spell. So the dream that one day he confided to the Snow White wishing well become reality.
Prince made her get on the horse and rode off to his palace in the clouds ... where they lived for ever, happily ever after!
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