The brave tin soldier
on the table, on which they were, there were many other playthings, but the most attractive to the eye was a pretty little castle made of cardboard. From the small windows, you could see inside the room. Before the castle some little trees were planted around a small piece of mirror, which would represent a clear lake and Lake swans swam mirroring some small wax. All this was very beautiful, the most beautiful of all, however, was a small woman, standing near the open door of the castle, also cardboard, but with a light veil of dress, and a thin blue ribbon on his shoulders, placed by way 'of scarf in the middle of the tape was indeed a shining star as big as his whole face. Mrs. gracefully rounded off his arms above his head because he was a dancer, and kept one foot so high in the air, the soldier, not seeing him, thought that she had one leg.
"That would suit me for a wife!" - Thought, "but it is too aristocratic for me lives a castle, and I have only a box, that I must share with twenty-four other companions would not be home for her. I want to see, though, if I can to make your acquaintance. "- And, so far as he lay behind a long snuff, who was also on the table. From there he could easily observe the good little woman, who never tired of standing erect on one leg without losing balance.
When evening came, the other tin soldiers were placed in their box, and the house went to bed. Then the playthings began to play on their own: a little 'they arrived the ambassador, a bit' the wolf and the sheep, or the ball. The soldiers shouting inside the box, because they too wanted to join the game, but could not lift the lid. The Nutcracker was the bingo, and indulges in a thousand chalk scribbles on the blackboard. They made such a racket that the canary woke up and joined his song general gaiety, but always in ways though. The only people who did not move from the place were the soldier and the dancer. It was like a candle standing on the tip of one foot, with his arms raised above the head, and he equally undaunted on one leg, not a moment took his eyes off her.
He struck midnight, and tac! ... blow the lid of the snuff, but there was no tobacco in it, there was a little devil black because it was a toy surprise.
"Soldier," - said the black devil, "By dint of looking, I use my eyes!"
But the soldier as if he had not heard.
"Yes, wait for tomorrow, my dear!" - Warned the little devil.
When morning came and the children got up, the Tin Soldier was placed on the window sill, and the devil was black or a gust of wind, the window was flung open suddenly, and the soldier fell from the third floor to headlong into the void. It was a tremendous bingo: one leg stretched out the air, and remained bayonet down, with his helmet packed between the stones of the pavement.
The maid and the boy immediately ran down to look, the neighbor who went almost stepped on him, and yet they could not see it. If he had called out: "Here I am!" - Would have immediately picked up, but, being in uniform, he thought he not get a decent shout.
began to rain, the drops, sparse at first, became more and more dense, since that was a real downpour. When spiovve, captain two boys.
"Look, look!" - One said: "One Tin Soldier! Let's do go sailing! "
They made a boat with a piece of paper, put the soldiers there and they launched in the gutter of the street. The two boys ran below clapping. Heaven help me! That order was in the gutter, that terrible power! The rain would just be falling in torrents! The paper boat pitched tightly, and sometimes turned so quickly that the soldier shuddered. But he remained undaunted, however, neither changed color, always looked straight ahead and held his rifle on his shoulder.
Suddenly, the boat slipped into a manhole, and then there was pitch dark, as in his box.
"Where will I ever?" - He thought: "Yes, yes, that's entirely the work of the devil black. Ah, if we were here, in the boat, the little lady of the castle, I'd be all over the consulate, for it was dark! "
On that, came out an old rat in the sewer that was his home.
"You have your passport?" - Said the rat, "Out of the passport,"
But the soldier remained silent and was content to take the weapon even stronger. The boat continued, and the rat behind. Uh! as grinding his teeth, and cried as all the grass, all straws: "Stop! stop it! Has not paid the toll, did not produce a passport, "
current became increasingly louder, the soldier began to see clearly before he was already out of the gutter, but, in the same time, he heard a roar that, that would shake even the bravest man's heart. Imagine that the stream just outside of that passage, was thrown into a wide channel with a jump just as dangerous for the boat as it would be for us to Niagara Falls.
By now, the danger was so close that he could no longer avoid it. The boat crashed, the poor soldier is held upright, the better, because no one could say of him batting an eyelid even seen. The boat whirled round three or four times, was filled to the brim with water, and was about to fall to the bottom: the soldier was in water up to the neck, and the boat sank deeper and deeper, more down: paper soaked was there to break up: the water was already shut over the head of the soldier ... He then thought the pretty ballerina, who would never see again, and the refrain rang in the ears:
Soldier, where are you going?
meet death!
The paper tore and the soldier fell below, but at that moment, a big fish swallowed him.
So yes, that was left in darkness indeed! It was there that much worse in the manhole, and then pressed ... But the soldier remained undaunted, and even then stretched out, still kept the gun in his shoulder. The fish do not
became quiet a moment, running here and there with some terrible flashes; eventually, he stopped and seemed to be crossed as a flash: and then someone shouted aloud: "Oh! the tin soldier! "
The fish had been caught, and then brought to the market and sold, and had happened in the kitchen where the cook had opened with a big knife.
Then the cook took the soldier with two fingers through the body and carried him into the living room where everyone wanted to see a wonderful man, who had traveled in the belly of a fish. But for all this he put pride, was placed on the table, and there ... - Really wonderful things happen in this world! ... - The tin soldier found himself precisely in that same living room where he had left, we saw around the same children, and saw on the table, among the same toys, the beautiful castle with a beautiful dancer, who was always standing on the tip of one foot raised and the other for air, fearless, too. Our soldier he was so moved that he wept tin tears, if he had not seemed to shame. He looked at her, and she looked at him, but did not say anything.
Suddenly, one of the youngest children grabbed the soldier and threw him into the stove, so just because no one in the world. Even this must have hit the black devil of the box.
there he was all lit up and felt a terrible heat: he could not tell if the fire itself, or the huge, fiery love. It had been a bit more color: then was a result of travel or emotions no one could say. The dancer looked at him and he looked at her, and she felt destroy, but remained undaunted, his gun on his shoulder. In one, a door swung open and the wind swept the young lady, and she, flying like a butterfly, just went straight into the fire at the soldiers: a vivid flame ... and then, nothing. The soldier melted to become a shapeless heap, and the next day, when the maid came to take away the ashes, he found a small tin little heart. The doll was left with that little star, but all burnt, black as coal.
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