He gave to his beloved little girl whatever she wanted: nice clothes, a dog, a horse ..... However, he understood that he needed little care of a mother. So
remarried, choosing a woman who had two young daughters, who, he hoped, would become playmates of her child.
Unfortunately, the good man died shortly after, the stepmother and then showed his true nature.
was hard and cold, and deeply envious of sweetness and goodness of his stepdaughter, because these qualities were to appear against his two daughters, Anastasia and Genovese, even more petty and ugly. The
stepsisters were richly dressed, while the poor girl was forced to wear a simple dress and coarse, and an apron, and to take home all the hard stuff. He got up before dawn, he went to take water, lit the fire, cooked, washed and cleaned the floors. When he had finished all the work to attend to, she used to sit to get warm by the fireplace next to the coal and ash. So they began to call it Cinderella.
The stepmother and sisters slept in fine rooms, and the small chamber Cinderella was in the attic under the roof of the house, has lived in dozens of mice. Despite all this, Cinderella was kind and courteous, dreaming that a day happiness would come. He became friends with the birds that woke up every morning. He also made friends with the mice that shared the attic, gave each a name, and sewed their tiny clothes and hats. I loved Cinderella and the mice were grateful, because sometimes they freed from a trap or saved them from Lucifer, the wicked stepmother's cat.
Every morning, Cinderella, made breakfast for everyone in the house: a bowl of milk for the cat, a bone for the dog, for his old horse oats, corn and wheat for the chickens, geese and ducks the courtyard. Then he took the floor above the trays of breakfast for her stepmother and stepsisters Anastasia and Genovese. "Get this stuff to be ironed and bring it back within the hour" Genevieve ordered. "Do not forget my mending, and do not take all day to finish it!" scolded, Anastasia. "Stretch out your laundry and go on with your work," ordered her stepmother beat the great carpet of the room, wash windows, clean the upholstery! " "It Genevieve. Yes Anastasia. You Mom" \u200b\u200breplied Cinderella getting down to work at a good pace.
other side of town was the royal palace. One day the king summoned the Grand Duke Monocolao and said, "It 's time that the prince take a wife and systems!" "But your Majesty," replied the duke "must first find a girl and fall in love!" "You're right," admitted King. "We will give a dance and invite all the girls in the kingdom. Will necessarily have to fall in love with one of them." Now the invitations were sent and the ticket was also brought into the royal house of Cinderella. "A dance! A dance We are going to a dance!" shouted Anastasia and Genovese. "I'm invited," said Cinderella. "It says, 'By order of the King, each girl will have to participate." The sisters laughed at the idea of \u200b\u200bCinderella who went to a dance wearing an apron with a broom in hand. But the stepmother, with a sly smile, said that Cinderella would certainly have gone if he had finished his work and had procured a decent dress to wear. "If ....." Anastasia laughed "If ....." guffawed Genevieve. It was the big day. Since the dawn of the sisters were busy in choosing clothes, undergarments and hair ornaments to put in, and not to mention that the way you would dress for the ball. Meanwhile, Cinderella was kept busier than usual because he had to stretch the full skirts, place gaskets, tie tapes. When the carriage came to take her stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella had not even had time to prepare. "Well" said the stepmother. "Then you will not be. What a pity! But there will be other dances!" Cinderella sadly climbed the dark stairs and looked out his window, illuminated by the moon. And he looked sadly out that the building was lit by lights.
Suddenly a candle was lit behind him. Cinderella turned, and saw a beautiful dress.
They had sewn for her birds and her mice friends, and had been decorated with pieces of ribbon and beads were found around the house. In no time at all, she put her dress and ran down the stairs, shouting: "Please, wait, I'm coming too!" Anastasia and Genovese turned around: how beautiful! Envy blinded the e. .. "My beads!" cried one. "My belt!" yelled another, and tore the dress of Cinderella. Then they went away satisfied. Desperate Cinderella rides in the garden and sobbed: "It 's useless. There is nothing to do! "But at that moment a cloud of stardust came from a round-faced little woman, wrapped in a cloak with a hood.
" Nonsense, my child, "she said softly." Wipe them tears : Do not want to go to the ball in this state. "Cinderella stopped crying and asked," Who are you? "" I'm your fairy godmother and my name is Smemorina "replied the strange man." We have plenty of time. I think the first thing you could do with a pumpkin. "Cinderella did not understand why, but obeyed and picked up a big pumpkin. The fairy waved her magic wand to it, and sang:" Salagadula, mencica bula, Bibbidi-Bobbidi -bu ...." pumpkin rose slowly on the stem, while the coiling tendrils turned into wheels in no time became a wonderful coach. "Now," said the fairy, "we need some mice."
Four young friends of Cinderella presented themselves on the run, and once again the fairy sang the magic words while the rats touched with her wand. The mice were processed in four dappled gray horses that were once attached to the carriage. Then the fairy turned the old horse of Cinderella in a superb driver and the dog Tobias in an elegant valet. "And now it's up to you, my dear," said the fairy Smemorina, touching Cinderella with her wand. The torn dress became a beautiful silk dress and under her skirt sprang delicious glass slippers, the most beautiful in the world. Cinderella could not speak for emotion. The fairy then drove the car and advised her not to stay to dance after midnight, if she stayed one moment longer, the coach would again become a pumpkin, mice, horses, the coachman, an old horse and groom a dog, and she would be found dressed in rags. Cinderella promised happy and went to the royal palace. When he arrived, the dance had begun, and the prince, looking a bit bored, was making his bow to duecentodecima duecentoundicesima and maid: the ugly stepsisters Anastasia and Genovese. Suddenly he looked up and saw at the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen. As if in a dream in the lurch and sisters came to Cinderella, took her hand and led her into the great hall, in the midst of all. Throughout the evening, the son of the king danced with no one else did not leave his hand just a minute. The stepsisters and stepmother did not recognize Cinderella and gnawed with envy wondering who could be the beautiful stranger.
All the ladies watched her dress and her hair, and ripromisero to copy the next day. The old king smiled satisfied: the Prince had found his bride of his dreams. Hours passed. When the clock began to strike the building at midnight, Cinderella remembered the promise. "I must go," frightened and shouted, releasing his hand from the prince, through the palace and ran down the stairs, pursued by the Prince and Grand Duke. A glass slipper slipped off the running, but she did not stop until he was in the carriage. The clock was still covering the time when the coach left the palace in a gallop: As it passed the gate, rang the twelfth stroke: a carriage and horses, everything was gone and in their place appeared a pumpkin, some mice, a dog, a old horse and a girl dressed in rags. All that remained of that magical evening was the glass slipper that shone at the foot of Cinderella. The morning following the king's son informed his father that he would marry only the girl who had lost his foot to the ball. The Grand Duke Monocolao was responsible for finding the girl whose foot came in perfectly precious shoes. The Duke tried the slipper on all the princesses, the Duchess, the marquis, to all the ladies of the kingdom, but to no avail.
finally arrived at the home of Cinderella. The stepmother all excited, ran to wake his lazy daughters. "We have no time to lose" he cried. "There is a possibility that you become the bride of the prince, if he can fit the glass slipper!" and sent down by the Duke of race, with the recommendation "Do not let me down! Then followed Cinderella, who had gone to her room to make it presentable to the duke, and locked himself in a key. Had no opportunity to take advantage of very successful. When Cinderella heard the click of the lock, he realized, too late, what had happened. "Please, please, let me out!" pleaded vainly turning the handle. The stepmother is the key in his pocket and walked away grinning. She did not notice that two mice, however, followed her, without ever losing sight of the pocket where he put the key. Meanwhile, Anastasia and Genovese were arguing over the glass slipper, and each stated that it was his. The stepmother looked at it carefully as they tried unsuccessfully to enter their big feet into tiny shoes. She did not notice that the two mice to paraded silently the key from his pocket and took her away. The Grand Duke took up the shoe to the two sisters morose and walked to the door to go to the next house, when Cinderella, called down the stairs, "Please your grace, wait! Can I try on the slipper?" The stepmother tried to block the pass. "It 's just Cinderella, our kitchen-maid." said the duke, but he pushed her aside. "Madam, my orders are: every girl in the kingdom!" The evil stepmother tried one last trick. He tripped the servant of the duke who was holding a pillow on the glass slipper: the precious shoe fell to the ground breaking into a thousand pieces. "Oh that's terrible!" cried the duke. "What will the King?" Cinderella then put his hand into her apron pocket. "Do not worry," he said "I have the other shoe" Duke socks it to him, and the foot naturally came effortlessly.
The moment the fairy appeared Smemorina, which touched Cinderella with the wand. And everyone could see that she was really beautiful stranger who had won the heart of the prince at the ball. Cinderella was accompanied with the carriage to the royal palace of the king. There, amid great festivities and the sound of all bells in the kingdom, Cinderella married her prince. And from that day they lived happily ever after.
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