Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Who developed in ASP.NET and web applications in general feels constantly 'need to have the most complete control of what happens during the run.
server side Visual Studio (. NET) provides great debugging tools and then the work is generally simple.
client side but it is difficult to understand what is really happening, what data are exchanged and which files are involved in processing. A great tool that helps you find the link .
With this tool you can monitor all HTTP traffic, see also called "hidden" in AJAX applications and clearly see the javascript data structures exchanged between the client and the server.
An excellent installation and a complete guide also supplements the tool.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Dune Toilet Buggy The Game
Normally the dynamic behavior of a web page is the default, calculated directly in the terms of the page. So the html file in the browser that comes a series of objects that respond to various events, performing methods and changing property.
An example:
\u0026lt;div style="height: 39px; border-style:solid;" onclick="javascript:prova();">
div click on the page defined
\u0026lt;/ div>
Sometimes, however, that the conduct of the page should change depending on the page. So javascript events to be generated during the life of the page are not defined directly on the server side but are set "dynamically" in the browser.
In practice you can write an HTML object with no associated events
\u0026lt;div id="divNoEvent" style="height: 39px;border-style:solid;">
div clicks without a defined
runtime \u0026lt;/ div>
and add a bit of code.
\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
function test ()
{alert ('you clicked');}
var o = document.getElementById ('divNoEvent');
o. onclick = new Function ('test ()');
\u0026lt;/ script> The call
o.onclick = new Function (' test ()'); will hook the call to the function test () at runtime.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Want To Create A Wrestler
The fountain in the square.
front, before
Before the law all are equal.
Behind (a)
Luigi lives behind the school (the school).
Under (a)
hide under the bed.
Above (a)
I left the keys on the table.
Sit in front of Lara.
I like living near the sea.
I sat by the window.
Far from
prefer not to live far from the center.
Seeking house near the university.
From parts of
Aldo lives from the hospital.
Let's take a walk around the cathedral.
At the bottom there a good restaurant at the end of this road.
addition (a)
The landscape changes over the border.
lives with his grandparents.
is pleasant to walk along the river in summer.
On top
We are on top of the mountain after three hours.
Inside (a)
The jacket in the closet.
Outside of
You left out the eggs from the refrigerator.
I finish reading the book by July 20.
"Back", "above", "below", "near" and "inside" they need the preposition "of " before the personal pronouns.
Behind me there's Louise.
set against
The cat always falls asleep on him to Mark.
Before leaving call to Peter.
After the game I prepare dinner.
If you go I'll take you to the center.
See you around six. Through
I was notified by letter.
I go to the movies with Eva.
I can not do it, it goes against my principles.
Except, except, except
They all came except Fausto.
In my point of view is risky.
The letter inside the envelope.
Do not leave waste outside the container.
"Against", "through" and "to" need the preposition "of " before the personal pronouns:
I have nothing against you.
I have only good feelings toward him.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Welcome Letter Out Town Wedding Guests
Mount Simel
Stream Movies The Wrestler
The brave tin soldier
on the table, on which they were, there were many other playthings, but the most attractive to the eye was a pretty little castle made of cardboard. From the small windows, you could see inside the room. Before the castle some little trees were planted around a small piece of mirror, which would represent a clear lake and Lake swans swam mirroring some small wax. All this was very beautiful, the most beautiful of all, however, was a small woman, standing near the open door of the castle, also cardboard, but with a light veil of dress, and a thin blue ribbon on his shoulders, placed by way 'of scarf in the middle of the tape was indeed a shining star as big as his whole face. Mrs. gracefully rounded off his arms above his head because he was a dancer, and kept one foot so high in the air, the soldier, not seeing him, thought that she had one leg.
"That would suit me for a wife!" - Thought, "but it is too aristocratic for me lives a castle, and I have only a box, that I must share with twenty-four other companions would not be home for her. I want to see, though, if I can to make your acquaintance. "- And, so far as he lay behind a long snuff, who was also on the table. From there he could easily observe the good little woman, who never tired of standing erect on one leg without losing balance.
When evening came, the other tin soldiers were placed in their box, and the house went to bed. Then the playthings began to play on their own: a little 'they arrived the ambassador, a bit' the wolf and the sheep, or the ball. The soldiers shouting inside the box, because they too wanted to join the game, but could not lift the lid. The Nutcracker was the bingo, and indulges in a thousand chalk scribbles on the blackboard. They made such a racket that the canary woke up and joined his song general gaiety, but always in ways though. The only people who did not move from the place were the soldier and the dancer. It was like a candle standing on the tip of one foot, with his arms raised above the head, and he equally undaunted on one leg, not a moment took his eyes off her.
He struck midnight, and tac! ... blow the lid of the snuff, but there was no tobacco in it, there was a little devil black because it was a toy surprise.
"Soldier," - said the black devil, "By dint of looking, I use my eyes!"
But the soldier as if he had not heard.
"Yes, wait for tomorrow, my dear!" - Warned the little devil.
When morning came and the children got up, the Tin Soldier was placed on the window sill, and the devil was black or a gust of wind, the window was flung open suddenly, and the soldier fell from the third floor to headlong into the void. It was a tremendous bingo: one leg stretched out the air, and remained bayonet down, with his helmet packed between the stones of the pavement.
The maid and the boy immediately ran down to look, the neighbor who went almost stepped on him, and yet they could not see it. If he had called out: "Here I am!" - Would have immediately picked up, but, being in uniform, he thought he not get a decent shout.
began to rain, the drops, sparse at first, became more and more dense, since that was a real downpour. When spiovve, captain two boys.
"Look, look!" - One said: "One Tin Soldier! Let's do go sailing! "
They made a boat with a piece of paper, put the soldiers there and they launched in the gutter of the street. The two boys ran below clapping. Heaven help me! That order was in the gutter, that terrible power! The rain would just be falling in torrents! The paper boat pitched tightly, and sometimes turned so quickly that the soldier shuddered. But he remained undaunted, however, neither changed color, always looked straight ahead and held his rifle on his shoulder.
Suddenly, the boat slipped into a manhole, and then there was pitch dark, as in his box.
"Where will I ever?" - He thought: "Yes, yes, that's entirely the work of the devil black. Ah, if we were here, in the boat, the little lady of the castle, I'd be all over the consulate, for it was dark! "
On that, came out an old rat in the sewer that was his home.
"You have your passport?" - Said the rat, "Out of the passport,"
But the soldier remained silent and was content to take the weapon even stronger. The boat continued, and the rat behind. Uh! as grinding his teeth, and cried as all the grass, all straws: "Stop! stop it! Has not paid the toll, did not produce a passport, "
current became increasingly louder, the soldier began to see clearly before he was already out of the gutter, but, in the same time, he heard a roar that, that would shake even the bravest man's heart. Imagine that the stream just outside of that passage, was thrown into a wide channel with a jump just as dangerous for the boat as it would be for us to Niagara Falls.
By now, the danger was so close that he could no longer avoid it. The boat crashed, the poor soldier is held upright, the better, because no one could say of him batting an eyelid even seen. The boat whirled round three or four times, was filled to the brim with water, and was about to fall to the bottom: the soldier was in water up to the neck, and the boat sank deeper and deeper, more down: paper soaked was there to break up: the water was already shut over the head of the soldier ... He then thought the pretty ballerina, who would never see again, and the refrain rang in the ears:
Soldier, where are you going?
meet death!
The paper tore and the soldier fell below, but at that moment, a big fish swallowed him.
So yes, that was left in darkness indeed! It was there that much worse in the manhole, and then pressed ... But the soldier remained undaunted, and even then stretched out, still kept the gun in his shoulder. The fish do not
became quiet a moment, running here and there with some terrible flashes; eventually, he stopped and seemed to be crossed as a flash: and then someone shouted aloud: "Oh! the tin soldier! "
The fish had been caught, and then brought to the market and sold, and had happened in the kitchen where the cook had opened with a big knife.
Then the cook took the soldier with two fingers through the body and carried him into the living room where everyone wanted to see a wonderful man, who had traveled in the belly of a fish. But for all this he put pride, was placed on the table, and there ... - Really wonderful things happen in this world! ... - The tin soldier found himself precisely in that same living room where he had left, we saw around the same children, and saw on the table, among the same toys, the beautiful castle with a beautiful dancer, who was always standing on the tip of one foot raised and the other for air, fearless, too. Our soldier he was so moved that he wept tin tears, if he had not seemed to shame. He looked at her, and she looked at him, but did not say anything.
Suddenly, one of the youngest children grabbed the soldier and threw him into the stove, so just because no one in the world. Even this must have hit the black devil of the box.
there he was all lit up and felt a terrible heat: he could not tell if the fire itself, or the huge, fiery love. It had been a bit more color: then was a result of travel or emotions no one could say. The dancer looked at him and he looked at her, and she felt destroy, but remained undaunted, his gun on his shoulder. In one, a door swung open and the wind swept the young lady, and she, flying like a butterfly, just went straight into the fire at the soldiers: a vivid flame ... and then, nothing. The soldier melted to become a shapeless heap, and the next day, when the maid came to take away the ashes, he found a small tin little heart. The doll was left with that little star, but all burnt, black as coal.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Who Makes The Best Receivers
The Frog Prince or Iron Henry

It happened one day that the princess's golden ball fell into the hand that she tended not high, but fell to the ground and rolled right into the water. The princess looked after him, but the ball disappeared, and the well was deep, deep in the eye. Then she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted. And while it was crying, someone shouted: "What's wrong, Princess? Thy tears would melt a heart of stone. "She looked around to see where the voice came, and saw a frog stretching his thick ugly head from the water. "Ah, you, old frog," she said, "I weep because my golden ball has fallen into the well." - "Never mind, do not cry," said the frog, "I think, but that What will you give me if I fetch up your ball? "-" What you want, dear frog, "said the princess," my clothes, my pearls and jewels, or even my gold crown. "answered the frog "Your dress, pearls and jewels and your crown of gold I do not want them, but if you want me well, if I can be your friend and playmate, sit with you to your table, and eat from your golden plate, drink from your cup, sleep in your bed, if you promise me this, I plunge and I'll bring the golden ball. "-" Ah yes, "said the princess," I promise all I want, if you bring me the ball. "But he thought: What is this babbling fool frog is croaking in the water with his fellows, and can not be the companion of a human being!
her promise, the frog put his head under the water, dived and shortly thereafter returned to the surface remigio in his mouth and threw the ball on the grass. The princess was overjoyed to see her nice toy, took it and ran away. "Wait, wait," cried the frog, "take me with you, I can not run like you do." But that availed croaking with the top of her throat! The princess did not listen, he ran home and soon forgot all about the poor beast, who had to dive back into its source.
The next day, when she was seated at the table with the king and his court, and eating from her golden plate - plitsch Platsch, plitsch Platsch - something went bounding the marble staircase, and when he was knocking at the door and cried, "Daughter of the King, little one, let me in!" The princess ran to see who was outside, but when he opened it he saw in front of the frog. Then she shut the door hastily and sat down again at the table, full of fear. The King noticed that her heart was beating, and said, "What are you afraid, my child? Outside the door there a giant who wants to kidnap you? "-" Oh no, "she said," is not a giant but a disgusting frog. "-" What does he want from you? "-" Ah, my father Yesterday, while playing in the woods near the source, my golden ball fell into the water. And because I was crying so much, the frog has fished out of me. And why at all costs wanted him, promised him that he would become my partner, but I never thought it would come out of that water. Now it's out and wants to come to me. "Meanwhile, we heard knocking the second time and crying:
" Daughter of the King, little,
let me in!
You do not know what you said yesterday
close to the fresh source?
princess, little girl,
let me in! "
Then the king said:" That which you promised, you keep it, go 'then, and open. "She went and opened the door, the frog hopped in, following a she hopped up to his chair. Then he stopped and cried: "Lift me up to you." The princess hesitated, but the king ordered her to do so. Just was on the chair, the frog wanted to get on board when it was on the table and said, "Now avvicinami your golden plate, because we eat together." The princess obeyed, but it was obvious that he did so reluctantly. The frog feasted heartily, but she remained in her throat almost every bite. Finally he said: "I ate his fill and I'm tired. Now take me in your room, and make ready your silken bed, go to sleep. " The princess began to cry, she was afraid of the cold frog, that he dared not touch, and he must sleep in his nice clean bed. But the king was angry and said, "You must not despise those who helped you in times of need." Then she picked up the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs and put him in a corner. But when he was in bed, he came creeping up and said: "I'm tired and want sleep as much as you take me up, or I will tell your father." Then she became angry, grabbed him and threw him with all his strength against the wall: "Now you be quiet, you horrid frog!"
But as he fell, he was no longer a frog was a prince with beautiful kind eyes. At the behest of his father, he was her dear companion and husband. He told her that he had been bewitched by an evil witch and no one but her, could free him. The next day they would go to his kingdom. Then asleep. The next morning, when the sun awoke them, came a carriage with eight white horses, white plumes on their heads, and golden harness, and behind was the young king's servant, faithful Henry. Henry was so unhappy when his master was turned into a frog, who had been obliged to wear three iron bands around the heart, because he does not burst with anguish. The coach started to take the king in his kingdom, and faithful Henry had helped them both, went back and was full of joy for deliverance.
When they had gone a stretch of road, the prince heard a crash behind him as if something had broken. Then he turned and cried
"Henry, the coach goes to pieces!"
"No, sir, is not the coach,
Tis the circle of my heart,
lessen its ache, When I grieved for
you were turned into a frog. "
Twice more he heard a crash during the trip and each time the prince thought that the car went to pieces, and instead were just circles, leaping away from the heart of faithful Henry because it was now free and happy.
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Hansel and Gretel
Hansel had heard everything, and slipped out unseen, where he collected the stones. The day after his father accompanied them in the forest, and little by little Hansel deposited on the ground a small stone at a time. Once in a clearing, walked away with an excuse. Gretel was desperate, but Hansel found his way home through the stones.
few days later, his stepmother revisited the same thing. Hansel suffered again, but could not take the pebbles. The next day, sboccencellò the loaf from his pocket and leaving the crumbs. Like the last time he was left with her sister in a clearing, but could not find my way home: the birds had eaten everything.
With Gretel began to wander through the forest, as night fell. At one point they came to a clearing where there was a whole house built of gingerbread, cakes, biscuits and chocolate. Hansel and Gretel were hungry and rushed to eat it. All of a sudden came an old woman, who told them: "Do not stay outside, kids! Come in, come!" Hansel and Gretel
if they did not repeat: the old woman seemed nice, he offered them a tasty meal and a bed to sleep. But the next morning revealed his true nature: it was really a witch, who had already eaten many children. Locked Hansel in a cage to feed it properly and greased it and then eat it and Gretel began to do the most menial jobs. Hansel who was smartly caught a drumstick of a chicken that had eaten the first day, he realized that the witch could not see well, so, when he came to feel his fingers, he made them feel the drumstick. The story went on for several weeks, then one day the witch grew impatient: "You mean you eat less fat or the same!"
The witch asked Gretel to turn the oven. The girl on but said he could not get to the plate that was inside the oven. The witch leaned to take the pot in the oven and Gretel pushed her into the oven, closing the door behind. Hansel and Gretel and then released before you go all the treasures they found that the witch had accumulated. The two children made their way home, where, thanks to the treasures of the gingerbread house did not suffer more hunger and became one of the richest families in the city.
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possessed a magic mirror, and every day asking, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and every day the mirror replied: "O my queen, to the world that it is no more beautiful than you." Meanwhile, Snow White grew and became more and more beautiful. Envy the Queen rose in tandem with the beauty of the girl, so that forced her to dress in rags and to the maid. Princess faced any hardship without complaint. On the contrary, always happy and smiling: Just a desire she used to trust, singing to her friends doves soon meet the man of her dreams. One day, while he was at the well, the white doves confided a secret: "That," said cooing "is a well enchanted. Looking out to make a wish and if it will hear the echo of the desire to become a reality." Snow White so she whispered: "I would love to find someone to love me." And as soon as the echo answered, the well water there appeared a handsome prince on a black horse. The prince watched with great admiration that Snow White made her blush and run away shyly in her room. The queen, a distance had witnessed the whole scene. Now she turned pale with envy, and ran to turn to her magic mirror: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and the mirror replied: "You, my queen you're always beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you!" The queen could not tolerate a rival, and so he summoned his faithful and a keeper said, "bringing the princess in the forest and kill her. I then bring his heart as a sign of the crime." The keeper took Snow White into the forest at the right time but did not dare to kill her. The told him to flee into the forest on the way back and killed a deer to bring the heart to the queen. White race at breakneck speed in the forest, until he came to a clearing, where there was a tiny, pretty little house: he entered and saw that someone was living there, and thought that seven children were living without a mother.
For there were seven small chairs, dusty, dirty seven little plates, seven shirts and dirty dust and cobwebs everywhere. White did not stay thinking about it: he took her broom and mop and cleaned up everything at a good pace. Then he went upstairs and found seven little beds made of wood. On each bed was engraved with a name: Dotto, Gongolo, Aeolus, Puppy, Grumpy, Bashful and Sleepy. "What strange names!" Snow White thought. Then, as he was very tired, slept on cots.
The inhabitants of the house were seven dwarfs who worked in the nearby diamond mine. Coming back they found Snow White and decided to host it, please be extremely cautious because of the wicked queen. For Snow White began a period of calm, with new friends and in contact with nature. But a bad day, the wicked queen in the mirror again asked who was the fairest of them all. And the magic mirror replied: "Beyond the seven mountains, beyond the seven valleys is the house of the seven dwarfs, Snow White in which he lives is even more beautiful than you." The queen decided to kill Snow White took an apple, an apple dipped in a wonderful and magical poison. Then he became a beggar, and went the house of the dwarfs. Snow White was preparing a cake out of pity and offered her a slice. In return, disguised as a witch gave her the apple and Snow White gave a bite.
he fell asleep on the floor, looked dead! The witch ran away happy: the only antidote was the first kiss, he believed that the dwarves would see her dead buried. But the dwarfs, Snow White desperately did not want to part with and put it in a crystal coffin in the forest, to watch over and over again. It was a long time. One day a prince on a black horse heard the villagers talking about that beautiful girl lying asleep in the woods. His heart gave a jolt. Was it the beautiful girl he had seen one day to the palace and it was no longer able to find? Now he rode to the clearing in the woods.
When he saw he had no doubts: it was this girl who had bewitched his heart, and he was dead! Sadly, the prince lifted the lid of glass and bent down to give a kiss to his lost love ... White immediately opened his eyes and smiled that first kiss had broken the spell. So the dream that one day he confided to the Snow White wishing well become reality.
Prince made her get on the horse and rode off to his palace in the clouds ... where they lived for ever, happily ever after!
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Little Red Riding Hood
One day her mother told her:
- Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here's a piece of cake and a bottle of wine, portals to the grandmother is ill and weak and refresh you. Parties before it gets too hot, and when you're out, be 'a good girl, without leaving the road, and if not, you fall and break the glass, and her grandmother still empty-handed. And when you enter your room, do not forget to say good morning instead of browsing in all the corners.
-I will do it right, - said Little Red Riding Hood to her mother and gave her his hand.
The grandmother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. And when he came into the forest, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. But he did not know it was a wicked animal and was not afraid.
- Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood - he said.
- Thank you, Wolf.
- Where are you going so early, Little Red Riding Hood?
- From Grandma.
- Cos' you have under your apron?
- cake and wine: yesterday we baked bread, so my grandmother, who is weak and sick, if the will enjoy a little 'and strengthen.
- Where does your grandmother live, Little Red Riding Hood?
- a good quarter of an hour here in the woods, under the three large oak trees, and there is his house, is under the of hazel bushes, you'll know already, - said Little Red Riding Hood.
The wolf thought, "This little girl Now there is a bit fat, will be more 'flavor of the old, if you are smart, it catches the both of them." He took a piece of road near Little Red Riding Hood, then said
- See Little Red Riding Hood, how pretty flowers? why do not you look around? I think not hear how sweetly the little birds sing! You go all demure, as if I went to school, and is so happy out in the woods!
Little Red Riding Hood looked up and saw the sunlight dancing through the trees, and everything was covered with beautiful flowers, she thought: "If I bring my grandmother a fresh bunch, will be very pleased it is so early, I come in yet time ". From trail rides through the woods looking for flowers. And when she picked one she thought that she could see more in a more beautiful and we ran and penetrated deeper into the woods.
But the wolf went straight to grandmother's house and knocked on the door.
- Who is it?
- Little Red Riding Hood, which brings cake and wine opener. - Up ups and downs - her grandmother shouted: - I am too weak and I can not take off my.
The wolf pressed the latch, the door swung open and, without saying much, he went straight to the grandmother's bed and swallowed.
Then he put his clothes and headphones, and lay down in bed and pulled the covers .. Little Red Cap had run after flowers, and when N'ebbe gathered all that he could not carry, she remembered her grandmother and she walked. He was surprised that the door was wide open and entered the room looked so funny that he thought
"Oh, my God, today, that fear! And usually I'm so happy with his grandmother!" Exclaimed
- Good morning ! - But got no response.
then approached the bed and pulled back the curtains Grandmother was lying there, with her cap pulled down over her face and looking very strange.
- Oh, grandmother, what big ears!
- to feel better.
- Oh, Grandma, what big eyes!
- better to see you.
- Oh, grandmother, what big hands!
- To better grab.
- But, grandmother, what a horribly big mouth!
- To better devoured him.
And now the wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed the poor Little Red Riding Hood.
satisfied his appetite, went back to bed, fell asleep and began snoring loudly.
Just then they passed in front of the hunter and thought, "As the old Russian! I look at it, you might feel sick."
He entered the room and approached the bed he saw the wolf.
- There you are, old unrepentant - he said - is a piece that you seek.
He was pointing the gun, but it occurred to him that the wolf had eaten her grandmother and that could still be saved, not fired, but took a pair of scissors and began cutting the belly. After two cuts, saw Little Red Riding Hood shine more, and the girl jumped out and cried
- I was so frightened! it was dark in the belly of the wolf!
Then it came out even the old grandmother, still alive, although breathing with difficulty. And Little Red Riding Hood ran to take the stones, which filled his belly, and when he woke up and tried to run away, but the stones were so heavy that s'accasciò and immediately fell dead.
were happy all three: the hunter skinned the wolf and carried away the skin, the grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine that Little Red Riding Hood had brought, and revived, but Little Red Riding Hood thought, "Never again will run only in woods, away from the path, when the mother has forbidden me. "
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The Cat in the boots
divisions were soon made: there was no need of the lawyer and the notary, who, naturally, would be eaten in one bite yourself wholly to the small inheritance.
Major had the mill.
The second, the ass.
And the younger of the brothers had the only cat.
latter could not find peace, to be his part touched so low.
"My brothers," he was saying, "can honestly pull out, taking with life in common: but as for me, when I ate my cat, and fattomi a muff of his skin, that I must resign to die of hunger. "
The cat, who heard this speech, and pretended not intended for docks, the he said with a serious face and quiet:
"Do not give in to despair, my master! You do not have to do is find a bag and give me a pair of boots to go into the woods, and after that I'll show you the part that is touched, not been treated as badly as you might believe. "
Although the master the cat does not take these words for cash, at any rate had seen it done all the games of skill to take the rats, now get with the dangling attached to the foot, or by doing the dead man, hidden in the flour, coll'aver that ended any hope of finding in him a little 'help in his misery.
As cat had what he wanted, bravely pulled on his boots, and putting the bag around his neck, took the strings forepaws and went into a rabbit hutch, where there were many rabbits.
Pose into his bag, a bit 'bran and sow-thistle: lying down on the ground as if dead, waited for some young rabbits, even novice chiapperelli of the world, to come and nestle in the bag by the neck to eat the stuff that c 'was inside.
soon as he was lying, he was immediately pardoned. Here's a rabbit, a young years of trial and who entered into his bag: and the good cat, immediately pulling the cord, took him and killed him without pity or mercy.
splendor of prey taken by the King went, and asked to speak.
They did go up in the neighborhoods of the King, which was where he entered a low bow to the king, and said
"Here, sire, a rabbit warren of the Marquis of Carabas," was the name that he liked to give to his master, "has asked me to present on his part."
"Tell your master," said the King "that I thank him and that made me a real gift."
Another time he went into hiding among the wheat, keeping his bag open, and as soon as we had entered into two partridges, pulled the rope and caught them both.
then ran to the King, as it did for the rabbit hutch. The King also liked very much the two partridges and give him a tip.
The cat in this manner continued for two or three months lead time to time to the Kings game hunting of his master.
One day having heard that the King had to go for a walk along the riverside with his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world, said to his master
"If you listen to my advice, your fortune is made: you must go and bathe in the river, and specifically in the place that will tell you: the rest, leave it to me. "
The Marquis of Carabas did all that he advised his cat, not knowing what would have benefited.
While he was bathing, the King passed by, and the cat began to cry with what he had in his throat:
"Help, help! The Marquis of Carabas is drowning. "
to this cry, the King put his head out of the carriage door, and recognized the cat, which often brought him game, he ordered the guards who immediately ran to the aid of the Marquis of Carabas .
Meanwhile pulling up out of the water, the poor Marquis, the cat approaching the coach told the King that, while his master was bathing, the thieves had come to take away her clothes, though he had shouted at the thief with all the force of the lungs. The smart fine clothes he had hidden under a stone.
The King immediately gave orders to the officers of his wardrobe to fetch one of the most gorgeous clothing for the Marquis of Carabas.
The king used a thousand caresses, and since the suit they had brought at that moment stood out the merits of his person (because it was beautiful and very well done), Princess liked him and his genius, and took only a few glances of the Marquis of Carabas, very friendly but quite tender, for she I remain smitten.
He wanted the King who ascended in his carriage, and made the walk with them.
The cat, delighted to see that his plan was beginning to seize color, walked forward, and having met some farmers who sawed, said to them
"Good people who sawed the hay, if you do not tell the King that sawn from the lawn you belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you shall be for purposes such as sliced \u200b\u200bmeat to make meatballs.
The King asked the sawyers in fact who it was sawed the lawn.
"and the Marquis of Carabas," they said in a voice because the threat of the cat had scared them.
"You have a beautiful possessions," said the King to the Marquis of Carabas.
"I see you, Sire," replied the marquis.
"This is a prairie, that there is a year that does not give me abundant harvest."
The good cat, who was always leading the way, he met the reapers, and said to them
"Good people sawn grain, if you say that all this corn belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you will be crushed for purposes such as meat to make meatballs.
The King, who spent a few minutes later, wanted to know who belonged to all the grain he saw.
"It is the Marquis of Carabas," replied the reapers.
The king was glad the Marquis.
The cat, which always trotted out the carriage, repeating the same things to everyone he met along the way, and the King remained astonished of the great possessions of the Marquis of Carabas.
Finally the cat arrived at a beautiful castle, whose owner was an ogre, the richest that had ever seen, because all the lands which the king had crossed, depended on this castle. The cat
strove to know who this man was, and what he knew to do: and asked to speak with him, saying that the inconvenience would have seemed to pass so near his castle without paying homage and reverence.
The ogre received him with all courtesy that can have an ogre, and offered him a rest.
"I am assured," said the Cat, "that you have the power to be able to change at any animal species, and that you can, for one thing, turning into a lion and an elephant."
"Very true," answered the ogre suddenly, "and give you a try, you will see me become a lion."
The cat was so frightened by seeing a lion before his eyes, which quickly climbed up the gutters, but not without difficulty and danger, on account of his boots, which were not good at nothing to walk in the gutters de ' roofs.
Shortly thereafter, when the cat saw that the ogre had resumed its shape as before, fell down and confessed to having had a great fear.
"I have, moreover, assured," said the cat, "but this seems too big and I can not drink it, that you also have the power to take the form of smaller animals, as one might say, to change For example, in a mouse or a mole, but even these are things, let me repeat it, I seem to dream of this world! "
"Dream?" Said the ogre. "Now you'll see me !..."
And in saying so, it changed into a mouse, and began to run around the room.
But the cat, as quick as a flash, rushed upon him and ate it.
Meanwhile, the King who, from that part, saw the beautiful castle of the ogre, he wanted to enter.
The cat, who heard the noise of the carriage passed over the draw-bridge of the castle, ran to the king and said
"Your Majesty is welcome to this castle of the Marquis of Carabas."
"What!" Marquis, "cried the King," Even this is your castle? There is nothing more beautiful than this building and factories that surround it; visitiamolo inside, unless you uncomfortable. "
The Marquis gave his hand to the princess, and follow the King, who had climbed the first, entered a great hall, where they found laden a great snack, which the ogre had done to prepare for some of his friends who had come to see him, but had not dared to enter the castle, because they knew that the King was
The King, pleased that he could not say , the fine qualities of the Marquis of Carabas, like her daughter, who had mad, and seeing the great possessions he had, after four or five glasses emptied, said
"Mr. Marquis if you want to be my son, who is not you. "
The Marquis, with thousands of reverence, had regard for the high honor done him by the King, and the day after he married the princess.
The cat became a great lord, and if he continued to hunt for mice, he did it only for fun.
Enjoying peace in a rich heritage, passed on from father to son, it is always a good thing, but for young people, industry, skill and ingenuity svegliatezza worth more than any other inherited fortune.
From this side, the story of the Marquis of Carabas cat is very instructive, especially for cats and the Marquis of Carabas.
Matsui Tv Sound Problem
He gave to his beloved little girl whatever she wanted: nice clothes, a dog, a horse ..... However, he understood that he needed little care of a mother. So
remarried, choosing a woman who had two young daughters, who, he hoped, would become playmates of her child.
Unfortunately, the good man died shortly after, the stepmother and then showed his true nature.
was hard and cold, and deeply envious of sweetness and goodness of his stepdaughter, because these qualities were to appear against his two daughters, Anastasia and Genovese, even more petty and ugly. The
stepsisters were richly dressed, while the poor girl was forced to wear a simple dress and coarse, and an apron, and to take home all the hard stuff. He got up before dawn, he went to take water, lit the fire, cooked, washed and cleaned the floors. When he had finished all the work to attend to, she used to sit to get warm by the fireplace next to the coal and ash. So they began to call it Cinderella.
The stepmother and sisters slept in fine rooms, and the small chamber Cinderella was in the attic under the roof of the house, has lived in dozens of mice. Despite all this, Cinderella was kind and courteous, dreaming that a day happiness would come. He became friends with the birds that woke up every morning. He also made friends with the mice that shared the attic, gave each a name, and sewed their tiny clothes and hats. I loved Cinderella and the mice were grateful, because sometimes they freed from a trap or saved them from Lucifer, the wicked stepmother's cat.
Every morning, Cinderella, made breakfast for everyone in the house: a bowl of milk for the cat, a bone for the dog, for his old horse oats, corn and wheat for the chickens, geese and ducks the courtyard. Then he took the floor above the trays of breakfast for her stepmother and stepsisters Anastasia and Genovese. "Get this stuff to be ironed and bring it back within the hour" Genevieve ordered. "Do not forget my mending, and do not take all day to finish it!" scolded, Anastasia. "Stretch out your laundry and go on with your work," ordered her stepmother beat the great carpet of the room, wash windows, clean the upholstery! " "It Genevieve. Yes Anastasia. You Mom" \u200b\u200breplied Cinderella getting down to work at a good pace.
other side of town was the royal palace. One day the king summoned the Grand Duke Monocolao and said, "It 's time that the prince take a wife and systems!" "But your Majesty," replied the duke "must first find a girl and fall in love!" "You're right," admitted King. "We will give a dance and invite all the girls in the kingdom. Will necessarily have to fall in love with one of them." Now the invitations were sent and the ticket was also brought into the royal house of Cinderella. "A dance! A dance We are going to a dance!" shouted Anastasia and Genovese. "I'm invited," said Cinderella. "It says, 'By order of the King, each girl will have to participate." The sisters laughed at the idea of \u200b\u200bCinderella who went to a dance wearing an apron with a broom in hand. But the stepmother, with a sly smile, said that Cinderella would certainly have gone if he had finished his work and had procured a decent dress to wear. "If ....." Anastasia laughed "If ....." guffawed Genevieve. It was the big day. Since the dawn of the sisters were busy in choosing clothes, undergarments and hair ornaments to put in, and not to mention that the way you would dress for the ball. Meanwhile, Cinderella was kept busier than usual because he had to stretch the full skirts, place gaskets, tie tapes. When the carriage came to take her stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella had not even had time to prepare. "Well" said the stepmother. "Then you will not be. What a pity! But there will be other dances!" Cinderella sadly climbed the dark stairs and looked out his window, illuminated by the moon. And he looked sadly out that the building was lit by lights.
Suddenly a candle was lit behind him. Cinderella turned, and saw a beautiful dress.
They had sewn for her birds and her mice friends, and had been decorated with pieces of ribbon and beads were found around the house. In no time at all, she put her dress and ran down the stairs, shouting: "Please, wait, I'm coming too!" Anastasia and Genovese turned around: how beautiful! Envy blinded the e. .. "My beads!" cried one. "My belt!" yelled another, and tore the dress of Cinderella. Then they went away satisfied. Desperate Cinderella rides in the garden and sobbed: "It 's useless. There is nothing to do! "But at that moment a cloud of stardust came from a round-faced little woman, wrapped in a cloak with a hood.
" Nonsense, my child, "she said softly." Wipe them tears : Do not want to go to the ball in this state. "Cinderella stopped crying and asked," Who are you? "" I'm your fairy godmother and my name is Smemorina "replied the strange man." We have plenty of time. I think the first thing you could do with a pumpkin. "Cinderella did not understand why, but obeyed and picked up a big pumpkin. The fairy waved her magic wand to it, and sang:" Salagadula, mencica bula, Bibbidi-Bobbidi -bu ...." pumpkin rose slowly on the stem, while the coiling tendrils turned into wheels in no time became a wonderful coach. "Now," said the fairy, "we need some mice."
Four young friends of Cinderella presented themselves on the run, and once again the fairy sang the magic words while the rats touched with her wand. The mice were processed in four dappled gray horses that were once attached to the carriage. Then the fairy turned the old horse of Cinderella in a superb driver and the dog Tobias in an elegant valet. "And now it's up to you, my dear," said the fairy Smemorina, touching Cinderella with her wand. The torn dress became a beautiful silk dress and under her skirt sprang delicious glass slippers, the most beautiful in the world. Cinderella could not speak for emotion. The fairy then drove the car and advised her not to stay to dance after midnight, if she stayed one moment longer, the coach would again become a pumpkin, mice, horses, the coachman, an old horse and groom a dog, and she would be found dressed in rags. Cinderella promised happy and went to the royal palace. When he arrived, the dance had begun, and the prince, looking a bit bored, was making his bow to duecentodecima duecentoundicesima and maid: the ugly stepsisters Anastasia and Genovese. Suddenly he looked up and saw at the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen. As if in a dream in the lurch and sisters came to Cinderella, took her hand and led her into the great hall, in the midst of all. Throughout the evening, the son of the king danced with no one else did not leave his hand just a minute. The stepsisters and stepmother did not recognize Cinderella and gnawed with envy wondering who could be the beautiful stranger.
All the ladies watched her dress and her hair, and ripromisero to copy the next day. The old king smiled satisfied: the Prince had found his bride of his dreams. Hours passed. When the clock began to strike the building at midnight, Cinderella remembered the promise. "I must go," frightened and shouted, releasing his hand from the prince, through the palace and ran down the stairs, pursued by the Prince and Grand Duke. A glass slipper slipped off the running, but she did not stop until he was in the carriage. The clock was still covering the time when the coach left the palace in a gallop: As it passed the gate, rang the twelfth stroke: a carriage and horses, everything was gone and in their place appeared a pumpkin, some mice, a dog, a old horse and a girl dressed in rags. All that remained of that magical evening was the glass slipper that shone at the foot of Cinderella. The morning following the king's son informed his father that he would marry only the girl who had lost his foot to the ball. The Grand Duke Monocolao was responsible for finding the girl whose foot came in perfectly precious shoes. The Duke tried the slipper on all the princesses, the Duchess, the marquis, to all the ladies of the kingdom, but to no avail.
finally arrived at the home of Cinderella. The stepmother all excited, ran to wake his lazy daughters. "We have no time to lose" he cried. "There is a possibility that you become the bride of the prince, if he can fit the glass slipper!" and sent down by the Duke of race, with the recommendation "Do not let me down! Then followed Cinderella, who had gone to her room to make it presentable to the duke, and locked himself in a key. Had no opportunity to take advantage of very successful. When Cinderella heard the click of the lock, he realized, too late, what had happened. "Please, please, let me out!" pleaded vainly turning the handle. The stepmother is the key in his pocket and walked away grinning. She did not notice that two mice, however, followed her, without ever losing sight of the pocket where he put the key. Meanwhile, Anastasia and Genovese were arguing over the glass slipper, and each stated that it was his. The stepmother looked at it carefully as they tried unsuccessfully to enter their big feet into tiny shoes. She did not notice that the two mice to paraded silently the key from his pocket and took her away. The Grand Duke took up the shoe to the two sisters morose and walked to the door to go to the next house, when Cinderella, called down the stairs, "Please your grace, wait! Can I try on the slipper?" The stepmother tried to block the pass. "It 's just Cinderella, our kitchen-maid." said the duke, but he pushed her aside. "Madam, my orders are: every girl in the kingdom!" The evil stepmother tried one last trick. He tripped the servant of the duke who was holding a pillow on the glass slipper: the precious shoe fell to the ground breaking into a thousand pieces. "Oh that's terrible!" cried the duke. "What will the King?" Cinderella then put his hand into her apron pocket. "Do not worry," he said "I have the other shoe" Duke socks it to him, and the foot naturally came effortlessly.
The moment the fairy appeared Smemorina, which touched Cinderella with the wand. And everyone could see that she was really beautiful stranger who had won the heart of the prince at the ball. Cinderella was accompanied with the carriage to the royal palace of the king. There, amid great festivities and the sound of all bells in the kingdom, Cinderella married her prince. And from that day they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Small Boobs Victoria's Secret Bra
Read the text and then answer the questions:
Since the early days of Rome, the Tiber Island was a place a little 'magic. Here, in fact, they celebrated religious ceremonies during which the patient asked the gods to heal. The island was sacred to Aesculapius, the god of medicine. The patients drank water from a well sacred to the god ... and hoped to heal.
Legend has it that the Romans threw into the Tiber all the grain of Tarquinius, the Etruscan king who ruled the Roman people and then were thrown out. The grain was covered by mud, and so was formed the island.
According to another legend, however, stopped a ship in a storm that point of the Tiber. The ship was covered by the mud of the river and formed the island.
In reality, the debris were brought from the river to create the island. Disabled artists, then, in I. sec. AD, gave the striking shape of a ship.
- What river flows through Rome?
- What shape is the Tiber Island?
- How many bridges are on the island?
- In what part of town is the Isola Tiberina?
- What carried the ships?
- What was the other name of the island?
- What did they do to heal the sick?
- Legend has it that the Romans threw into the water?
- What is formed the island according to another legend?
- In fact, when the artists formed the Tiber Island?
Monday, June 25, 2007
Build Shortwave Antenna
A few days ago I prepared an access point and back to my house (in fact, below) of him is an ADSL router alice ... Among
'll bring in a little flat mode ... and then remain always on the set so I offer a degree of security against unauthorized access and is not used to strangers, even having the new fashion of war driving.
Let's see if I have everything pretty well prepared to prevent anyone else but me I can use my network for your convenience ...
- Changed the admin password of the access point. It seems trivial, but in almost all periferische we enter through Admin Admin password ... change this seemed the most obvious and easy to do.
- Changed list of MAC addresses allowed to access the access point.
- Low signal strength of the access point to the minimum necessary to get good coverage in the area of \u200b\u200binterest but not to show the network who is out ... I do not live in a crowded area, but if I lived in a condominium not bother me just to see a list of 12 active wireless networks around me ...
- Soon (I have not already done so) will enable WEP encryption.
- configured gateway and ip to work with the ADSL router. (No need for security, but is useless without having an access point on).
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Where Do You Find The Golden Vase In Poptropica
Creating custom controls is a fairly common activity for the development of web applications. Personally, the technical composition is what I prefer, because it allows me to group features also evolved in a short time and with a great rate of recycling.
But a check by its nature must generate server events.
After a lot of effort I found this reference on MSDN that explains clearly how to do a server-side control that generates an event server-side via javascript. The
explain the construction of a simple link button that calls the OnClick function on the server, but changing names to events and delegates, it works with custom events and typing of the events detailed.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Pokemon Silver Trade Vba
I draw inspiration from a nice post titled merlinox 10 things to avoid developing sites for "pinning" I am also a list of things to avoid (I think) in developing. NET and any other object-oriented programming language ...
1) copy and paste ... If you need to copy and paste the code means that you are not used properly the inheritance structure made available by the object-oriented language.
2) if the use and switches to change the behavior. Return to point 1, there is inheritance, then you can instantiate the object with the correct behavior and do not put an if to change the code to be executed.
3) implement their own interfaces. It 'easier to maintain an application, although small, if it implements interfaces.
4) typing of the untypable. An application that uses only strongly typed objects is easier to maintain and to debug.
5) use the enumerators. It binds to step 4, an enumerator simply lists the available options, the code will be cleaner and you will be situations unknown.
6) inherit all the inheritable ... Controls, engine and more. We do not know where our application will end and what behaviors we want to introduce. Starting to write the application using objects "our" inheriting the basic ones, we'll open the door for possible future deployments.
... if they'd had them six points clear about years ago, well, everything would be easier ...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Empress Tree Las Vegas
I. Fill in the blanks with the missing phrases listed below.
- walking alongside the columns gives the impression that this is moving
- the ingenious solution of Bernini's invention consists of an imposing colonnade (now considered the most extraordinary ever built)
- including Raphael and Michelangelo
- the city-state in which the Papal
- the building may contain, it is estimated, 80,000 people
Piazza San Pietro is one of the most famous squares in the world, and is located in front of the Basilica di San Pietro, the cradle of the spirit of the first Pope , Peter the Apostle and Martyr, a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people daily from all over the world. It is located in Vatican City, 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... in the heart of the historic center of Rome.
The plaza, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini between 1656 and 1667, is considered a masterpiece of baroque setting. The problem was that Bernini
face when he received from Pope Alexander VII commissioned to create a great expansion of the square, was to find the right perspective synthesis between the new square, the Michelangelo's dome and facade of the basilica. 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... surrounding the square. The size of the main body of the square are impressive. The ellipse measuring 240 meters wide (approximately as the Colosseum, as luck would Bernini), the colonnade is a row of 284 columns and 88 Doric columns, topped by 140 statues of saints that give a picture of the square monumental . The ellipse center is occupied, according to a solution dear to the Roman Baroque, by an Egyptian obelisk, which, including its base and the cross on top, is forty meters high.
The elliptical structure of the square Bernini allows you to create those rich optical effects of movement and surprise, so dear to Baroque culture. 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... The Colonnade was intended to accompany the viewer's gaze at the magnificence of the Basilica of St. Peter and to enhance the grandeur of Michelangelo's Dome (the Dome), thanks to the contrast caused particular entry that expands the perspective.
The huge Basilica of St. Peter has a length of 186 meters, the top of the dome is 119 high and the total area exceeds 15,000 square meters. 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... The basilica is home to what traditionally is the tomb of St. Peter, located under the main altar, which is covered by a canopy supported by four immense pillars, all designed by Bernini. Other popes are buried in the basilica.
The church is itself a work of art, but is also composed of various elements of artistic self-worth. Many famous artists worked on the "Fabbrica di San Pietro" 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... Inside are placed hundreds of statues in marble, travertine, stucco and bronze. There is a famous sculpture of Michelangelo's "Pieta."
II. Finish the following sentences so that the allegations are true.
1. St. Peter is not a cathedral, or the throne of a bishop. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome ...
2. The basilica is in formal function to mark the celebrations for Christmas, Easter and Holy Week ...
3. Curiously, there are three churches in Rome dedicated to St. Peter ...
4. A tradition of pilgrims visiting spontaneous probably want the bronze statue of St. Peter's blessing on the right of the nave ...
5. The basilica of St. Peter for centuries was the largest Catholic church, but ...
a) the announcement of new pope and the funeral of those deceased, the opening and closing of Jubilees.
b) that the record was removed in 1989 when he completed the basilica of Yamoussoukro in Côte d'Ivoire.
c) is touched with the right hand and place the sign of the cross.
d), but the Cathedral of Rome is the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano.
s) in addition to the basilica for example there is the church of St. Peter in Chains (known for hosting the famous "Moses" of Michelangelo).
Friday, June 8, 2007
Where To Buy The Best Fabric To Make Gowns
Make every word of an interactive web page! I'm not fond of firefox but this plugin I could start using it daily.
The idea is to allow an interaction every word and quickly access a simple menu to wikipedia, google maps, mail client and much more ...
What, watch the video on you tube and see if does not gorge too!!
Read on ...
Wedding Dresses Lisburn Road
The classic web programming includes the transfer of parameters from client to server through the technique of GET or POST HTML form.
As you approach the world of ASP.NET is lost partial control of HTML that will be generated and especially you can simply check in the form as ASP.NET pages are generated with an html form with action automatically set to the page.
Looking in MSDN I found the guide lines to make the Microsoft PAGE CROSS POSTING DATE and then solve the problem of passing parameters between pages ASP.NET.
Cross-Page Posting in ASP.NET Web Pages
How to: Redirect Users to Another Page
How to: Post ASP.NET Web Pages to a Different Page
How To Determine How ASP.NET Web Pages Were Invoked
How to: Pass Values \u200b\u200bBetween ASP.NET Web Pages
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Structure Of Mandarin Adjectives
who uses the multi-tasking of hard window is often found with many windows open at once, using the command ALT + TAB you can navigate quickly between applications.
Unfortunately often the icon or description indicated in the window that appears is not sufficient to open the correct window, and so you go to "attempts".
A little help for this comes from a small PowerToy from Microsoft, replacing the window ALT + TAB standard with a small window that is also a preview of applications.
Cute and comfortable, find the download link to Taskswitch.exe
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Performance Of The Actress Of Blade
who also worked briefly with a Linux desktop environment can not fail to have noticed the convenience of multi desktop available on this platform.
on Microsoft XP is not available natively, but through a plugin (i the Microsoft PowerToys itself) you can enable a feature very similar.
After installing the plugin Deskman.exe you can enable the bar to launch a new toolbar that will allow you to move between the 4 available from the desktop application.
A nice utility that makes it easier to live with enough big monitor resolutions and never quite "spacious"
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Brain Swellling From Mushrooms
Most web pages that are produced often play a number of functions also numerically higher, but the limited duration over time, and then deal with limited resources.
This is a fairly common practice, especially because, by excluding possible interactions using AJAX technology, improves the user experience all the more so waiting times are short.
Where waiting times are longer, and above all we are not overcome bottlenecks such as interactions with web services rather than procedures I particularly challenging, as well as reducing the quality of the user experience can be run into problems of scalability.
sull'msdn I found these articles that explain exhaustively the problem and also some good techniques to overcome these obstacles.
Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET 2.0
scalable applications with Asynchronous Programming in ASP.NET
Monday, June 4, 2007
Solid Gold Desert Eagle
Programming ASP.NET pages and web controls is essential to bear in mind the function and the order of events that will be generated during the life of page.
the link I found an excellent article by a full explanation of the problem.
The following table shows just the reference of the order of events.
| ||
Method | PostBack | Controls |
| ||
Constructor | Always | All |
AddParsedSubObject | Always | All |
DeterminePostBackMode | Always | Page |
OnInit | Always | All |
| ||
LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium | PostBack | Page |
LoadViewState | PostBack | All |
ProcessPostData1 | PostBack | Page |
OnLoad | Always | All |
| ||
ProcessPostData2 | PostBack | Page |
RaiseChangedEvents | PostBack | Page |
RaisePostBackEvent | PostBack | Page |
OnPreRender | Always | All |
| ||
SaveViewState | Always | All |
SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium | Always | Page |
Render | Always | All |
OnUnload | Always | All |
Friday, June 1, 2007
Colloidal Silver Coeliac
Visual Studio offers an advanced system monitoring and debugging of applications running. This is usually active when you are debugging and press the "F5" key on the keyboard rather than the "play" button in the top toolbar.
This technique, however, involves the completion of all projects in the solution or at least the analysis of all projects to identify which sources have changed and therefore require a recompile.
If the solution contains a large number of projects (even ten) the time from when you press F5 when you get to the page displayed may be significant and stressful.
One possible solution is to attach the debugger in Visual Studio IIS application - ASP.NET (but also Windows form) while it is running.
Why this is possible is necessary to perform the following steps:
- Open the IIS console and create the web site [mysite] ASP.NET (Version XX) that points to the directory where the sources are contained on the site (aspx + cs).
- Open Internet Explorer (or other browser) and type in the bar http://localhost/miosito/miapagina.aspx
- Now go in visual studio, debug menu - Attach to Process
- Make sure the checkbox (show process from all users) is selected
- A window with all processes currently running
- Select aspnet_wp.exe Press Attach button
At this point Visual Studio will be correctly fitted to the IIS process and stop running in debug set point.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
How Long Does Kidney Faliure Take In Cats
To maintain compatibility with the url of the search engine's "content" must be static and speakers ...
well, this is not usually a problem, but eclude the ability to record the entire contents on a database, losing all the advantages of this technique. (Transaction and backup ...)
with this you should (I have not got to try) to maintain compatibility with search engines and allow to decouple completely from the file system ...
Unrar File Bin And Cue
Extract from a table the rows corresponding to the maximum value of a field of the table group denoted by a field.
Id - Group - Val
id1 id2
2 G1 G1 1
G1 0 G2 0
G3 3 G3 2
Id - Group - Val
id1 2 G1 G2 0
G3 3
Solution with nested query:
SELECT Id, Group, Val
IN (SELECT MAX (Val) AS Expr1 FROM table AS
WHERE (tabella.Id = aliasTabella.Id) GROUP BY
Group)) ;