was a while that the duck had a strange feeling: "Who are you, and why I crawl behind?" he asked.
"Finally you noticed" ... "I am Death." The duck was taken by terror. And you could not blame her. "You came to get me?"
"I will be next ... if ..."
"Where?" asked the duck.
"Yes if you understood something. A bad cold, an accident: you never know."
"And you think about the accident?"
"accident thinks his life, as well as the common cold, and all the other things that can happen to you ducks. For example, the fox." The duck
not even want to think. She felt goose bumps. Death smiled in a friendly way. At the bottom was nice, very nice indeed, with the exception that was what it was.
"Let's go the pond? "asked the duck.
was what he feared death. After a while they were soaking Death confessed that he loved the water.
" Please excuse me, but I really should get out of this site, so wet " .
"Are you cold?" asked the duck. "Do you want warm?".
One such proposal is not had they ever done.
giornon The duck after he woke up first, early in the morning. " I'm not dead! "he thought. He gave a shake to Death." I'm not dead! "quacked enthusiastic. Death raised his head:" I'm happy for you! "he said.
" And if I died? "
" At that I would not have slept so deeply, "said Death with a yawn.
"This is not kind," thought the duck. Although he had promised not to say anything, soon returned talkative: "Some say that ducks become angels, you are sitting on clouds and you can watch the earth from above"
"Possible" said Death, and began session.
"in any case the wings you've got it already"
"also say that some ducks in the bowels of the earth is hell, where you end up roasted if you have not behaved like a brave ducks
" It 's amazing what I told you duck. The truth is that nobody knows "
" Neither you know? " Shouted the duck. Death just looked at me.
"What you do today?" he asked in a good mood.
"today we get back to the pond," said the duck.
"Let's do something really exciting."

death she was relieved. "Climb up a tree?" he asked mockingly.
Down below, in the distance you could see the pond.
silense there was so, so lonely. "This is how it will be when I die," he said. "The pond all alone without me."
Death sometimes she could read my mind. "When you're dead is the pond will disappear, at least for you."
"Are you sure?" asked the duck surprise.
"Sure as you can be sure of something."
"It 's comforting, then I'll regret it the ninth, when ... "
" ... you're dead, "said Death. Speaking of the death was easy.
" go down "asked the duck after a while," the trees are made Stani thoughts " .
In the weeks went less often to the pond. For most of the time if they were sitting on the grass and spoke little. When a fresh wind blowing through the feathers, for the first time the duck froze . I'm cold, "said one evening." Do you want to warm up a bit? ".
A light snow fell flat in the air. something had happened. Death looked at the duck. Do not breathe. He lay motionless. The smoothed a few feathers that were ruffled when and took her to the great river. Here the water gently placed her and gave her a slight push. He followed with a long gaze, when he lost sight of death is almost sad.
But that was life.

Wolf Erlbruch
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