From quell'amen and until the time of challenge the dagger with which you take away life, Juliet is one: one will accept to drink the poison in his room, resisting the temptation - is fourteen years old! - Calling him the solace of family accomplice.
"This is the most cruel - says the choreographer - a choice must be made so radical and terrible as a chilling sequence veristic that style, I would like to contrast to the classicism of the balcony scene and the sensuality of the bedroom."
Amen, says Juliet in an instant cold.
From quell'amen down upon her the dull silence of the outside world. Now the characters will live in the false mirror and ambiguity: we see them preparing the decorations for a wedding that will become a funeral, we will be complicit in that Juliet is preparing for death "cataleptic" that will lead to real death, we know that Romeo is coming, too ignorant of the truth. Chronos
only knows. It can do nothing to change the order of events.
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